Scott Harrison
Theatre Organist
A Little about me.
Hi, thanks for checking out my website. I’m Scott Harrison and I have been
performing on Theatre Organs since 1987. I have been privileged to appear
at many of the great theatre organ venues around the world including in
Australia, New Zealand, the United States and England.
My first major gig was as ‘City Organist’ for the then City of Moorabbin
(now City of Kingston), Victoria, Australia from 1987 to 1993, residing
over their magnificent 4/21 Wurlitzer. During this period I also spent
two years residing over the Theatre Organ Society of Australia
(TOSA) Victoria’s prize 3/15 Dendy Wurlitzer.
In 1992, I had my first overseas performance on Theatre Organ, playing
to a capacity audience at the Baycourt Theatre, Tauranga, New Zealand.
That initial performance was the start of a very successful ongoing association
with the Tauranga Theatre Organ Society (TTOS) that is still going strong
after more than 20 years! It has included an upgrade program for their wonderful Style H 2/10 Wurlitzer OPUS 1482.
It has been a great pleasure to work with the folks at Tauranga and seeing this organ evolve musically over the years. In September 2012, I had the privilege of performing four shows over a weekend at the Baycourt Wurlitzer, helping TTOS celebrate the organ’s 40th Anniversary in Tauranga.
In 1993 I commenced organ studies with the late Father James Miller at his home in Fenton, Michigan, USA. Since then I have enjoyed many return visits to the US, playing some wonderful instruments in Northern California as well as those in Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, Indianapolis, Boston and Wichita.
Some of the highlights of my regular Australian concerts include the opening celebration concert for the Warragul Wurlitzer along with the re-opening of the refurbished Kingston Wurlitzer in 2005. I was also the organist for the special City of Kingston concerts to celebrate the Kingston Wurlitzer’s 80th anniversary (2009), and it's 40th anniversary at Kingston City Hall in 2010.
In February 2012, Kingston City Council reappointed me to the position of City Organist, again residing over the magnificent Kingston Wurlitzer organ 25 years after first holding that auspicious role.
Since 1986, I have been a proud member of TOSA Vic (now Melbourne Theatre Organ) and have enjoyed being part of the preservation and promotion of these amazing instruments. In 2010, I had the pleasure of playing the opening concert for TOSA Vic’s 50th Anniversary convention along with project managing the refurbishment of TOSA Vic’s Dendy Wurlitzer, which reopened as part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations.
I have four commercial recordings currently available recorded on Wurlitzers; three at separate venues in Victoria, Australia – the Kingston City Hall and the Dendy Cinema, Brighton, and the third comprising music from the three Wurlitzer organs in New Zealand.
To sum it all up, it’s often said that ‘music makes the world go round’, and I consider myself very lucky to be able to share my music with so many wonderful people all around the world. I hope to be playing at a venue near you some time soon!
Scott Harrison